Tuesday, June 16, 2009


I love honesty, I appreciate honesty. The truth hurts but hey at least it is the truth. A lot of times I bite my tongue when ask for my opinion. I don’t want to offend some one or push my opinion on them. So is honesty a good thing? Or is it overrated?

Do I really want to know what people think of me? And do they actually want to know what I think of them? I know I still care about them faults and all. But how do they feel? So I censor myself most of the time. Some relationships can’t survive honesty. One of the downfalls of honesty is sometimes some one gets hurt. When someone asks for my thoughts and opinions I would never ever say something to hurt that person. Sometimes I spend too much time obsessing how honest I should be. I can usually find a way to answer and not hurt someone. But the fact is I do not want to hurt the people I care about, especially if they are already upset. What do you do when the truth is something that person is not prepared to hear? When it is something that would hurt them? They say Honest is the best Policy or is it? So sometimes I just tell a white lie.

1 comment:

Bob G. said...

I tend to be as honest as the situation will allow.
That doesn;tmean I;ll lie my ass off whenever it's more convienient.
AT those times, it's better to just say nothing at all.

And I'll honestly tell people that.
You bring up some interestingly philosophical questions.
And most of the answers are STILL being debated.
