Monday, June 1, 2009

Susan Boyle etc.

She IS too innocent and cloistered to handle the nasty side of celebrity. The intrusion into her private life by those awful English tabloids was not something most people could handle. Remember, this woman has spent her life in a small town, caring for an elderly mother. I think poor Susan wasn't prepared for the backlash she was going to get. It had to happen. There is no way crazies on the internet were going to let her get off without a scratch. She became too popular way too quickly and brought out the hate in too many people. Unfortunately for her she didn't understand she wasn't supposed to read the press about her. I just hope she gets the rest and everything else she needs because she truly has talent. We’ve got elements of a press who like nothing better than to build people up and then drag them down. Mentally, she wasn't equipped for this. I hope she finds someone to help her so she can enjoy showing her talent by picking venues where she isn't overwhelmed. She has the most beautiful voice and I wish her the best life has to offer.

I think Meryl Streep should play her in the biopic of her life.

And on a different note:

Lately I have felt a bit depressed; I think it comes from being inside so much and watching the news nonstop. I finally stopped watching the news. I used to be glued to the news. I followed the election and all the BS that went with it. But I found listening to all the gloomy predictions and angry voices I found myself being angry again, angry that I was “sick” angry that I was “slowing down” angry that I had smoked, and it was taking my energy. So I turned off the news channels. I immediately felt better. I want to get out of the hate game. Boy is that hard to do. I am now trying to focus not on what I can’t do, but the more positive what I can do.

My life is certainly influenced by the COPD, diagnosed in 2002; however, each day I learn more ways to cope with it, and each day I invariably take a step or two back as well. It's a curse and it's a blessing. But I refuse to allow it to take over my life. While having COPD is significant, it does not define me.

All in all it was a good breathing week for me. I was up and out every day this week and that is a sweet thing. Little things are important to me again. Money isn't everything and it's a shame that I had to get sick to appreciate that my life wasn't all that I thought it was. I can still make a difference and enjoy life as well.

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