Saturday, August 21, 2010

Ants Part II

Ants are taking over the world. And by the world, I mean my house.
I have never liked ants, but I never had a strong hatred for them. Now, they are public enemy no. 1. I have seriously had nightmares about them-- crawling on me, my bed, my food. Sometimes now even just at the sight of one, it's like I feel them crawling on me. They are getting in my head! I'm fantasizing cruel and unusual ways to kill them. Luring them with sugar, spraying hairspray and lighting them on fire. Or luring them to the microwave and letting radiation do it's job. No, I'm not crazy...
Terro Liquid Ant Killer. It is said to be amazing. You put a few drops on some cardboard next to where the ants are entering and they take some as food back to their home. It eventually kills the ant and since they brought it to their home, it kills even the ones you can't see. This stuff better friggin' work. I'm pretty sure the builders of this house was just plopped it right on top of a massive ant hill. Ah, the adventures of home ownership.


Bob G. said...

Let's hope this new stuff you have does the job...

ANd as long as you can find out WHERE they're coming in, you're going to be ahead fo teh game.

You have to "break up" their trail...that confuses the hell outta the buggers 9no pun intended)...
Geez, now I'm feeling all "crawly"


Have a safe and ant-free weekend.

Anonymous said...

They were send by R.L.Lee as a gift to you for the burning of Atlanta. We NEVER FORGET! YYYeeeeHaaaaaaa!