Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Random Truths

1. Remember you do not get unlimited opportunities to be a good friend.

2. Stay home when you’re sick with something contagious. It’s not about your illness; it’s about everyone else’s health.

3. It’s better to scream the truth than whisper a lie. But realize people have more faith in those who whisper. The moral: Whisper the truth.

4. Remember that you’re boring if you’re bored.

5. Know who’s worth your time, and who isn’t.

6. Never let your worst enemy see you in anything but a state of utter and heartfelt bliss.

7. Don't marry someone you can live with; marry someone you can't live without.

8. If you really want to do something, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse.

9. You have succeeded in life when all you really want is only what you really need

10. Face your fears head-on, and, in the process feel the pain, but also reap the rewards.

11. The less possessions we own the more freedom we have.


Bob G. said...


Oh, yeah...this is DEFINITELY going into my "keeper" list box...!!!

Fantastic post!

Have a great DAY.

ms nk rey said...

Number 11 was added as an after thought but the more I think about it the more important it becomes in the list.