Monday, August 16, 2010


There are a lot of ideas floating around in my mind. However, I seem to be lacking in the ability to put my thoughts into words. Hence, the trusty pet peeve post.

1. Getting “their” and “they’re”, or “you’re” and “your” mixed up.

2. Using the word “like” in every sentence.

3. Qualifying offensive statements with: “No offense, but….”

4. Naming children with ‘character-building’ names like ‘Trinity’, or “Freedom”

5. Spitting on the ground.

6. Wearing sunglasses indoors.

7. Being happy and chirpy before 10am.

8. Leaving a shopping cart in the middle of a parking space.

9. Chewing with your mouth open.

10. Wasting peoples time with a list of pet peeves.

1 comment:

Bob G. said...

OMG, I am so with you on this...

1) It's a social-class thing, apparently.

2) The wife and I are the ONLY people in OUR ghettohood that can actually DO that...(not using like in every sentence that is)

3) If I'm going to be "offensive", everyone will know WELL in advance...LOL.

4) It's better than naming the kids ANYTHING that sounds like VODKA, PORSCHE, or something ending in "EISHA"!

5) Sounds like ALL the "neighbors" around here, regardless of age.

6) I see that a LOT around here...Especially when the POLICE stop at a neighboring house for the 10th time this week.

7) There are SOME days, I'm not HAPPY & CHIRPY before 10 PM!!!

8) But it sure beats finding a few along your streets and alleys!

9) Sounds like the cheetos and Mountain Dew crowd around here...PLUS, they can also scream on the cell phone while chewing. The ZOO here has similar animnals, but they're behind BARS...there's an analogy there somewhere.

10) Waste away...if ONE person reads it, it's NEVER wasted!

Have a great week.

(btw, you won an award - check over at my blog...CONGRATS - you earned it.)
