Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Crap about me and some Pictures:

1. I will never regret the things that I've experienced in my life.

2. I can eat crab legs until I'm sick.

3. I hate Geico insurance commercials.

4. I love butterflies. They represent life and happiness to me.

5. I hate the way I sound when I talk.

6. I can be very stubborn when I want to be.

7. I love making a mess more than I like cleaning up the mess.

8. My favorite color is pink

9. I would rather give gifts than receive them.

10. I've given new meaning to "feel the fear and do it any way".

These were taken last evening look really close to see the hummingbirds, I have so many visiting this year. My camera is a simple point and shoot so please keep that in mind. Click on the picture for a larger view.





Anonymous said...

I can't believe you hate Geico commercials. I love them. I think most of them are very funny.
You stubborn....would never have guessed! HA!
Loved the hummingbird pictures.

Bob G. said...

The pictures are fantastic!

We had something similar at our feeder (and trellis) last evening...
TWO of them, flittering about. Couldn't get a decent picture, though.
Nice to see them flying around us.

Ah, the list...
1- I've got a few regrets...
2- ditto
3- I can take 'em or leave 'em.
4- ditto
5- Depends whose voice I'm borrowing...lol
7- Don't like doing EITHER.
8- Color mine blue
9- ditto
10- LOL..yeah, got used to that living HERE.

Fun stuff...keep those picture comin'!

CWMartin said...

1. I don't know about regretting the experiences, but surely regret a lot of my actions in getting them.
3. I like the gecko, hate the cavemen.
4. Butterflies are ok. They're free, that helps.
6. and 7.Ditto.
8. I gotta go w/ Bob and say blue.
9. I'd rather have the money so I could give the gifts.
10.I'd be more "ignore it and it will go away".
Hummingbirds are so cool! My mom used to have a lot of columbines to draw them in.