Saturday, August 7, 2010

The year I was born

A Car Cost $1100.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt is president of the US.
The Battle of the Midway begins, marketing the first major defeat for the Japanese.
Fire at the Coconut Grove nightclub in Boston kills 491
Forced detention of 110,000 Japanese Americans on the West Coast begins.
German General Rommel is defeated at the Battle of El Alamein.
Pan American Airlines becomes the first commercial airline to have a flight go around the world.
Stephen Hawking, Muhammad Ali, Tammy Faye Bakker, Martin Scorsese, and Jimi Hendrix born.
St. Louis Cardinals win the World Series.
Washington Redskins win the NFL championships.
Toronto Maple Leafs win the Stanley Cup.
Casablanca premieres at the Hollywood Theater in New York City.

find yours Here


Bob G. said...

Just watched CASABLANCA last night...AGAIN.
It's STILL a good flick!

Jimi Hendrix & I have the SAME middle name (Marshall).

My car cost $11 THOUSAND, not $11 HUNDRED (amazing what a mere forty or so years will DO).

And now you know some REALLY weird trivia...

Birthyears...can't live with 'em and can't live WITHOUT 'em, eh?

Have a great weekend.

CWMartin said...

And my mom and dad's marriage was one year old- in December.