Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Charlie Sheen

Since when is the insane ranting of a sick man news? Charlie Sheen seems to be the lead story in every network newscast.

Charlie Sheen is a very sick unstable man who is unable to understand why he is not getting his way for the first time in his life.

I wonder why the Hollywood elite are allowed to go off the rail and there is no help for them. I would hope that somebody in his family would look into getting a psychiatrist to look at him. Why was this warranted for Brittany Spears yet not for him? I would think they have lots of reasons to put a 5150 hold on him? I don't know what the laws are in California, and his family might not want to do it, but for his children's sake & before he burns all his bridges it might be a good idea.

This behavior goes much deeper than substance abuse. There is some mental illness going on here. He doesn't need lip service, interviews and ass kissing.. he needs HELP. Step up Martin and get your son some help.

I personally don’t think the mentally ill should be placed on public display. This isn’t news people, this is his life and having lived with alcoholism for years, I recognize the need to find him some help and to remove the enablers from his life.

I think it is very very sad. Regardless of what it is that Charlie is going through, someone just needs to help the man. This has gone way past entertaining train-wreck and into something much more tragic. It is very reminiscent of Anna Nicole Smith.

The only sure thing is Charlie Sheen is winning the Loser contest.


Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you. He does need help, but speaking from experience, help is not always easy to do. We don't know if Martin has tried for sure or not, but I do know that if Charlie isn't willing to co-operate, then that can be a real problem. He is an adult & the laws right now are such that you can't force a mental patient to get help if they don't want it. Just look at the streets. There are many, many homeless people out there in dire need of mental help.
One thing for sure though, his children should not be living with him & those two bimbo's.
This is just my opinion.

Bob G. said...

AGreed also that the mentally ill need not be paraded before us (on display) for all to view.
This isn't "entertainment"...not by a long shot.
Perhaps his rantings are a direct result OF his abuses...
Whatever the case, he does need help.
I remember him in PLATOON.
Hell of an actor.
But, as we're all keen to realize with the icons of today:
The higher your star, the greater the fall.

Good post.

CWMartin said...

Too true, Bob. I thought about doing a who's dumber with his story; but you know, it's beyond dumb- it's just sad. I just hope he lives long enough to look back on this when he's sane again and wonder what the hell his problem was.

Joanne said...

I agree with you. He is mentally ill and those reportors know it. they revel in the fcat that he's so sick that way they have their news. Very sad. Blessings, Joanne

Alice said...

I saw part of the interview ..

weird and sad. We should pray for him.