Thursday, May 12, 2011

Annoying Sounds:

  1. Someone smacking their gum.
  2. Car Alarms
  3. Boom Cars Bobby G and I agree on these, that is not music it is pure and simple NOISE.
  4. That little yippy dog of the neighbors
  5. That slurping sound that people do with their straw, at the bottom of their drink.
  6. The sound of some one clipping their toe nails.
  7. Automated Phone systems, I need to be told how important I am to them while I am on hold for an hour.
  8. Awkward silences.
  9. Low flying airplanes, ever since I was a kid I have had a fear of one crashing into my house.
  10. Some one chewing on ice. OMG that sends me over the top every single time.


Bob G. said...

I plead guilty to chewing on ice...renmind me if I EVER do that around

Everything else?
We're pretty much one the SAME PAGE.

Personally, I hate using a toenail clipper, but I can't manage to get my feet HIGH enough to use my bench grinder...LMAO!

We've had low(er) flying planes for the last 10 years...ever since the former airport manager (a good, honest guy who I met with) told me their "localizer" was ancient and never fixed or replaced.

That left everyone flying UNDER the original 1100 ft. ceiling over our house.

They're down around 500-700 feet now, but the FAA doesn't seem to mind (funny, I DO).
Somehow, having our patio lit up on a summer evening with landing lights from a commercial jetliner doesn't give me a "warm & fuzzy" feeling...and we're about FOUR MILES OUT from the airport!

No one seems to care..except US.
Go figure.

Good post.

Stay safe down there.

Bob G. said...

Considering we ALL had to REPOST Thursday's blog...I'll STILL go with whatever I said YESTERDAY...ROFL!

Stay safe.