Saturday, May 21, 2011


I suppose I had better blog something. If the rapture comes I don't want the last post on this blog to be one with a bunch of terrible jokes or Ahnold’s latest conquest.

Harold Camping and his followers say a massive earthquake will mark the second coming of Jesus, on Judgment Day Saturday May 21. This will start a 5 month period of catastrophes before the world actually ends in October.

Well when I last read the bible and it hasn't changed, it says no one knows the time...Only God knows, not man.
So will these people think they missed the boat, think that they had really not accepted the true God into their hearts, mind and soul?
I will be doing the same old thing tomorrow my life will not change in any way for this.

Anyhoo, these people are strange...they need to study up before coming out of the wood work.
Are they paying their mortgages? I hope so. I am tired of helping out the slackers and those that think they can get away with out paying for their obligations.
So you all have time, seek God while you have time. Continue the discuss. LOL

Harold Camping's church has amassed a net worth of $72 million with this end-of-the-world scam, and he's not offering refunds.

This is depressing, if I had known in high school that there were so many adult fools in the world I would have gotten into Ponzi schemes or something similarly lucrative. (just kidding)


Bob G. said...

I remember listening to Harold Camping more than 30 years ago...and back THEN, he made GOOD BIBICAL SENSE.

(no talk of selling your stuff 'cause we're "going home this weekend" at all.)

I dunno what caused him to dive into the shallow end of the rapture pool here, but I for one find it disturbing (unless it DOES happen, then nevermind all

I wouldn't do the ponzi scheme though, because we all have to pay for it sooner or later.

WHat makes me laugh is that these people have a BOOK coming out about these events...
(somehow, I don't think it's going to #1 of the NYT best seller list)
Might not be enough believers around to read it..."if"...

Funny thing about FOOLS:
Some grow up being that way from DAY ONE.
Others take to LEARNING IT along the driving skills or mathematics.

And I have to admit, they DO succeed beyond MY wildest dreams.

have a great weekend.

Stay safe (and keep cool) down there.

Joanne said...

I don't know what happened to that Guy. There is a man in New york that has spent his life savings paying for train adverts to warn people. At first I thought what an idiot! but then now I just feel kind of sorry for him. On May 22nd what will he be thinking and feeling? tsk tsk tsk scratchin' my head to understand. Great post. bLessings, Joanne

Anonymous said...

Camping will take credit for 'postponing the end'...probably through a 'buy it here' prayer. The church of the disillusioned is larger today.