Thursday, May 19, 2011

My Ahnold Rant

I thought Tiger Woods was the lowest of the low and now we have this. What will be next? I remember when Maria was doing the network news before she married Arnold. She was at a normal weight, and she was GORGEOUS! She resembled her very handsome late father. I think Ahnold only married Maria for the Kennedy connection..he always had political ambitions...never loved her...and she knew it...probably just an arranged marriage that is why she put up with his cheating helped her up her ante in many realms because he was so popular. I've always believed the Arnold/Maria marriage was a marriage of convenience. He had political aspirations and she was a Kennedy. He needed her to succeed. everybody is just criticizing this woman's looks, like "how could Arnold cheat with THAT?" do you think Arnold saw her as a person? do you think it mattered at ALL what she looked like? this man is an ultimate narcissist, in love with HIMSELF. You know he probably has more children around with other women. I guarantee you somebody was about to break this story and that is why Arnold came clean. He didn't do it just because. It's the dirty cheating John Edwards story all over again.


Bob G. said...

It guess it goes to show that Arnold really IS a decent "ACTOR".
ANd not much of a politician, according to California's problems.
Major Fail.

He's been "terminated".

Good call.
Stay safe down there.

springtime36 said...

What a big "JERK".... Also, he is not as goodlooking as he thinks he is...

CWMartin said...

I think you hit the nail on the head. Self-actualized types like him think way too much of themselves- they have to cheat and lie to sustain the illusion for themselves.