Wednesday, May 18, 2011

To the dump

When I was a kid, I was taught to place trash in the trash can. Once a week the garbage men would come up and down the alleys and toss the contents in the back of a dump truck, which would smell really bad and be covered with filthy flies. Some times there were items that were too large to be put at the alley and we had to go to the dump. I loved to go there.

This of course was back when rocks were still soft and there were no helmet or seat belt laws.. in fact there were no seat belts in cars then, and no turn signals either. But that is another story. We could sit in the back of a pick up truck and let our hair blow in the breeze. Our feet were usually bare and our noses were always a tiny bit sunburned. Guess that was child abuse or neglect, but back then we called it fun.

Unfortunately the kids today will never know the joy that comes from trips to the dump in the back of a pickup truck. You see, their parents think it is just too far to drive and too much trouble, it is much more convenient to just toss their trash out in front of my house as they drive down the road. This really burns my butt.



Bob G. said...

WHIle in the city, I never had the pleasure of going to the "dump", I DID spend my share of time in JUNK YARDS (parts was parts back then)scavenging about to keep our cars nice and running.
But I DO agree with your assessment of kids (as well as adults) today...damn litterbugs.
Blame that on disposable everything.

Didn't seem to have as much when parents were responsible and scolded their kids for dropping trash on the street.
Same goes for those days when we recycled things like BOTTLES.

Good call.

Stay safe (and trash-free) down there,

Joanne said...

That is very frustrating! I hate litterbugs! Blessings,Joanne

CWMartin said...

A few of my beer caps, as well as my nephews cans, came from unofficial "dumps" scattered across the area. You don't stumble upon those very much anymore. Not exactly legal, but preferable to your yard.

ms nk rey said...

What makes it even worse is I have to find someone to come clean the litter up as I can't do it any more. I live in town and there is a street light.. what is wrong with people??
Again this really burns my butt.