Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Why do I want to declutter my home?
For Peace. For Peace of Mind. I'd like to declutter in order to enjoy a less stressful low maintenance home. In some rooms its obviously dangerous in there with the level of clutter that's present. My kids moved out but a lot of their stuff is still here.

What do I hope to accomplish?
I hope to be able to establish PEACE, SAFETY, ENJOYMENT,STRESS-FREE LIVING in the place I cherish the MOST.... HOME!

What am I willing to do?
I'm willing to say good-bye to things that don't really bring enjoyment to me. I'm willing to bless others by giving away items that are still useful; but I no longer need.

Why am I willing to do this now?
1~ My kids are grown and it is just me. I don't need all this stuff.
2~ I'm getting older and some things are harder for me to do. So now is the best time; while I still can do it.
3~ I don't want my kids to have to clean up my mess when I'm gone.

How will I know when I'm done?
1~ When the flat surfaces are clean, uncluttered, and dust-free.
2~ When I can see the baseboards in my home. (Especially in the bedrooms, living-room and not wall-to-wall furniture)
3~ When I can go to a cupboard,closet, dresser, file cabinet and get what I need without any problems.

When do I want to be done?
Being me I want it done yesterday. Our little town is having town wide rummage sales and I am taking this time to get rid of things I have not used in the last year or so, I love how freeing it feels.


Alice said...

Good luck on your declutter. One day I hope to do it too, impossible now;)

Bob G. said...

I'm "only" a few YEARS behind in doing this...and I have to admit, it's like tending to a STABLE:
The work JUST keeps piling up!

Some parts of the house are great - no clutter at akl, while others...(whew), and the basement really needs it (my man-cave is overrun...LOL)

This might be the kick in the pants I need.


Stay safe down there.