Monday, May 2, 2011

Annoying me today

  1. People who try to talk to you when you are going to the bathroom.
  2. People who don't vote and then complain about the results.
  3. People who scrape their fork around the plate.
  4. People who can't seem to understand that " red eyes" are possible to remove in photos.
  5. Men who refer to their wife as ” the wife”- a wife is not an object.
  6. When it's raining and you turn your car off before you turn the wipers off, and they stop in the middle of the windshield, so you turn the car back on, the wipers off, and then the car off.
  7. Wobbly tables.
  8. Restaurants that give you rolls, but never enough butter to go with them.
  9. When men you don't know very well at all assume it is okay to call you "hun" or "babe."
  10. People who always look to start a fight.


Bob G. said...

1- At home, not so much, but in public...NEVER!!!
2- I agree, especially when such people do NOTHING to change anything.
3- I try to do that as QUIETLY as possible, when the food's good...sorry.
4- Never had that problem as a's all about lighting.
5- When I refer to Wifey as "the Missus", I mean that in a "she is THE FINAL AUTHORITY" kinda thing...I always defer to HER - lol.
6- Wifey does that - I DO NOT (generational clash)
7- And the wobbly CHAIRS that go with them!!!
8- Having worked in a restaurant, I made sure the quantites were ALL proportional.
9- I'm guilty of that, especially when someone thanks me for holding a door or something similar...
But, I don't mean it in a "wanna score" way at all. I do use "dear" a lot, too.
10- That would be my neighbors - such provoking people they are...I much prefbilescoer FINISHING them (by any means).

Good list - hope I did well.

Have yourself a great week.
Stay safe down there.

Joanne said...

We went to a restaurant where the young waitress kept calling my Father-in-law Hun and Babe. They lost loyal customers that night