Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Out my back door:

h a aa b bb c d e gI walked out my back door and snapped these pictures to try to share the beauty that I see daily. I hope you enjoy them as well. Click them to see full size. In the second one if you enlarge it you will see there is also a heron it is the white spot near the center of the picture. I enjoy every thing except the snakes.


Bob G. said...

I wasn't expecting to see thpicture this soon, but I can assure you, I am SO enjoying it.

Thank me a bit of hope.
VERY nice, indeed.

Stay safe down there.

CWMartin said...

Very nice. Glad to see your camera picks up the faraway stuff a lot better than mine. Scrappy would really love your place.

ms nk rey said...

CW I just have a simple point and shoot Kodak digital camera. The river is the Mighty Wabash and you and scrappy are welcome to explore, as soon as you save enough money to afford the gas to drive the 17 miles. Glad you liked my pictures.

ms nk rey said...

Bobby G, I wanted to give you something to enjoy and some hope with these. I knew you would love them.