Friday, March 2, 2012

5 on Friday

1. At what age did you have your most embarrassing haircut?

My hair has been a lifelong source of embarrassment.

2. The best way to travel long distances is...

A bus. You meet the most interesting parolees. Or hitch-hiking and train-hopping.

3. What’s the primary use for your personal computer?

I use it a lot like a typewriter, but I also surf a bunch. Just shopping and Facebook, altho I also use it to troll people.

4. What do you think about when you think about March?

It’s all lions and lambs, what else? I also worry about the ides. Just call me a classicist!

5. Do you think there’s life on other planets?

Based on what I’ve seen so far, I kinda doubt it, but I’m open to the possibility, but I won’t believe it ‘till I see it.


Bob G. said...


1) I was in junior high school, and Mom chopped the back of my hair a bit TOO about embarrassing.

2) least, it USED to be and for a lot of the same reasons you mention "the bus". You meet lots of nice folks, and get to sample local cuisine.

3) Primary use?
Pictures, resource files, journals, refereces...oh yeah, and blogging and shopping (thanks for mentioning that

4) March?
I USED to think about 20 miles of "nature walks" with full equipment...LOL.
Time to think about home repairs, painting, and gardening...(and loudass boomcars coming soon enough)

5) Think there's life...dear, I KNOW there's life on other planets.
Why do you think EARTH is called the Second City of the galaxy anyway?
(we're the comedy relief for outworlders)
Besides, as soon as I find WHERE I parked my ship...I'm OUTTA HERE!

Bonus - I rate my Wife an A-PLUS...(or else).

Great list...had a blast with it.
Do have yourself a fantastic weekend.
Stay safe down there.

Anonymous said...

1)I've had so many, its hard to say.
2)Probably a plane, but I prefer a car.
3)Its a lot of things to me. Sometimes fun, sometimes necessary things to do on it.
4)Lots of birthdays in my family, including mine.
5)I don't know...never been to another planet. I know some people here on earth I'd like to send to another planet. lol