Friday, March 23, 2012

5 on Friday

  1. American cars are____________all I drive.
  2. Have you ever confronted some one in public for an etiquette violation ) jumping in line stealing a parking space)? I usually mutter under my breath but a face to face confrontation.. color me nonconfrontational.
  3. What spray do you have your shower set on? Wow just regular old spray I guess.
  4. Social networking is________________Something I wish I didn't use all the time.
  5. You put your money in the snack machine and it doesn’t give you what you ordered what do you do? I would probably go for double or nothing and pay for another one.


Anonymous said...

1)The Best & the only thing I would ever drive.
2)Many times
3)I have no idea
4)Fun pastime
5)When I worked I used to hit the machine & it would fall on down.

Alice said...

Does blogger count as social media?

Bob G. said...

This will be a gopod one...I can tell.

1) - Not what they USED to be.

2) - Yes..give it right BACK at'em.

3) - Showers have "settings"?
What WILL they think of NEXT?

4) - Causing MORE problems than it will ever solve.

5) - You gotta know HOW to properly "tip" them (like cows, I suppose), to get your goods.
Then again, these days, I dodn;t use them AT ALL.

ROFL...that was a blast.

Have a fantastic weekend down there.

Stay safe.