Friday, March 30, 2012

5 On Friday

1. Where I live March is... cruel, warm then cold again but this year it is full on gorgeous.
2. I am excited for summer so that I can.. Open the windows, wear sandals, get relief from high heating bills and all around enjoy the weather.
3. What percentage of books you read are electronic? That is easy 100%, guess I haven't mentioned lately how much I love my Kindle Fire.. Get one you will love it.
4. Who is the "jerkiest" person in your life? Wow not a jerk in sight, they are all in the past where jerks belong.
5. What is your favorite kind of donut? I love me some glazed donuts, and some cream filled and some iced and etc.


Bob G. said...

1- As long as we're talking gardens and flora, no problem.

2- Aside from the heating bill similarity, can't really do any of the others (sighs).
But I DO own a pair of sandals.

3- Absolutely ZE-RO. (sorry)

4- If I DON'T include the HUNDREDS of "locals" that are a daily R.P.I.A., no one...amazing.

5- Powdered jelly from a german bakery back in philly (Haegerle's) and can they make a BUTTER CAKE to DIE FOR.

Great, now I need some pasteries...thanks!


Have a great weekend.

Stay safe down there.

Joanne said...

I love love love lemon donuts...and they are ALWAYs out of them. looking at the scale numbers...I'd say its a good thing that they run out!
Blessings, Joanne

Anonymous said...

1)Unpredictable weather wise.
2)Sunshine & watch my beautiful flowers blooming.
4)All my jerks are in the past, I hope.
5)All donuts are my favorite.

Sorry this is on Sat. & not Fri.