Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Every day I pick up the paper and there is something horrible about people in our country who do not appreciate living in America. Our youth are killing each other for no apparent reason. They do it just for the fact that they think it is fun to shoot a gun or kill someone. I don’t blame it on video games, we played cops and robbers with play guns and I haven’t had any desire to shoot anyone for real. We need to start bringing back to our families that America is the land of the free and the home of the brave and that it takes every one working together with love and kindness to make it happen and to keep it a wonderful place to live. Some how we need to make our youth appreciate the fact that they are living in a free America. It is the job of everyone, every citizen, every parent, to try and make America a better place in which to live. We need to take care of our land for future generations. I think one way to show your pride is to display our flag. Do you fly our flag? Daily? On holidays?


Bob G. said...

I proudly fly our flag on EVERY day that calls for it...and I would love to fly it ALL the time, but around here, that wouldn't be my FIRST choice...the "locals" love to take what's not theirs and make it theirs.
(entitlements...gotta love 'em...NOT)

I'm kinda glad I played cops & robbers and "army" as a kid...got me ready for the REAL world in some ways...lol.

Kids today DON'T realize how damn good we have it HERE (as my folks used to remind me, a LOT)...

And we've way too many subversives that are trying their best to KEEP our kids in the dark regarding that.

Excellent post...I agree with you 100%!

Stay safe (and allergy-free) down there.

CWMartin said...

I think that its as simple as we have brought up a generation that thought of nothing but themselves, and they begat one that sees nothing but themselves. No unity, no community, just 6.5 billion strangers out for themselves.