Wednesday, March 21, 2012



Today marks the first official day of spring. This is one of my favorite times of the year. It is wonderful to see folks out side walking, jogging, cycling, and eating ice cream. We all seem to be in a much better mood now that the temps are warmer and we have that extra hour of day light in the evenings, (you know the one we stole from mornings.) Being out side brings out the best in us I think maybe it is the extra Vitamin D we are getting from the extra sunlight. The benefits of springing ahead are a little early this year. The pleasant record setting March temperatures are a good sign that our very mild winter maybe over. No more bone chilling cold, icy roads and best of all no big heating bills. I find it funny that last fall they were talking about a colder and wetter winter. so much for technology. Now we can get on with important things like which teams will make it to the final four and where will Payton Manning play. Ahhh spring what a great time of year to live in Indiana.


CWMartin said...

I think they only call for cold winters to "scare up" the energy prices. We saw a wooly worm that called for no more than a normal winter, and that's what we got. I only worry if we find the dreaded all-black wooly worm.

Bob G. said...

I really used to look forward to Spring (even here in Indiana)...all the gardening, choosing plants and vegetables.
I'd really LIKE to recapture some of that, but the "locals" around here seen hell-bent of denying us the SIMPLE pleasures of living...and that's terribly sad for THEM.

I'll just admire your pictures and try to snag as much of the wonders of the season as I can...for now.

Good post.

Stay safe down there.