Thursday, March 8, 2012

Annoying me today

1. Cars that wait for you to get right up there and then they pull out in front of you.

2. Then they driver at least 10 miles under the speed limit.

3. When people say the phrase “on so many levels”

4. Door dings on my car.

5. Loud mouth people

6. People that speed in parking lots

7. Morning people

8. How fast time flies by.

9. How did March get here so quickly?

10. Changing our time.. I mean why ?? just why??


Alice said...

Time change...bleck!

Anonymous said...

I can't understand why you don't like the time change...on so many levels. hahahaha

Bob G. said...

Hate the time change...and I'm from Philly where we seemingly ALWAYS had that.
(yeah, Indiana once spoiled this city boy REAL

As to everything else on the list?
Agreed, agreed, agreed...100%!

(And I'll be the driver near you shouting at the guy that cut us BOTH off...just so you know)

Great post.

Stay safe (and dry) down there.

Joanne said...

Oh #10! It takes me forever to get used to it!
Blessings, Joanne