Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Yeah I know, I really haven't been doing too much cooking over here at the house of mine, in the past few years. I mean, sure, I eat, but it's mostly heat and serve crap that I know is absolutely horrible for me. But in terms of making a meal where the actual components of the meal have to be cooked separately, I'm sorely out of practice. I made dinner on last night and the kitchen was pure chaos for an hour. I timed everything wrong. I didn't know how long things needed to cook. I was intermittently chopping veggies and checking on things on the stove, so instead of putting the sharp knife down, I would walk around with it. You know, just in case anybody ran up to me, they'd be greeted first by the blade of a sharp knife slicing into some part of their body. Yikes. In any case, it's like I told myself: everything tastes good in the end, but the middle part is like a very messy bad TV show.

1 comment:

Bob G. said...

I wouldn't fret over that...
On your WORST cooking day, you do TONS MORE than most ANY people in MY area of Ft. Wayne.

Not to mention, your HOUSE hasn't been burned down when you "fell asleep" while cooking...(at 2AM).

I'm just sayin'...

And as long as the ENDS justify the means, it's all good.

Stay safe (and kitchen-smart) down there