Friday, April 6, 2012

5 on Friday

1. How much time do you spend in the shower?

I stay in the shower until the hot water runs out.

2. When I have to communicate, I prefer to

Make a phone call. I am way more relaxed when I stay in my comfort zone.

3. Do you play the lottery?

Nope, never have. I have never been lucky and don’t have the extra money to waste on a suckers bet.

4. Do you think smoking is attractive?

I do not consider it attractive but as a former smoker I believe it is your right to smoke. Not to mention all the taxes a smoker pays.

5. Should a person have to pass a drug test in order to receive government benefits such as welfare?

Yes I absolutely support drug testing for government benefits.


Alice said...

I used to smoke, too, and I agree that it is a person's own right. I can't believe how much cigarettes are now!

Bob G. said...

Lemme see now...

1) Long enough to get the job

2) SHOUT...a LOT!
(oh, you mean REGULAR communication with NORMAL or email)

3) Used to (back in Philly)...won $500 once,,,and ONLY once.
Now, I LIVE the lottery every day in our ghettohood...we WON yesterday (we're still here)

4) It used to be (Hollywood vixens and all), but it IS more attractive that snorting coke, jamming a needle into a vein, or cooking meth.

5) Yes, without a doubt...positively!!!

Excellent list.

Have a blessed weekend down there.
Stay safe.

Anonymous said...

1)10 min.
2)Talk on phone or text
3)Once in a while
4)Absolutely NOT!! (I used to though)
5)Yes, I believe they should.

Sandi said...

Let's see:
1. varies . . . depends on time I have, or how cold I am when I get in.
2. phone or email
3. rarely, twice I think, both were for my husband.
4. yuck, but I was a former smoker. :(
5. Of course!

ms nk rey said...

Sorry for the annoying links I sure did not put them in. I have no idea how they got there or how to remove them.