Thursday, April 12, 2012


Sometimes the things you don't say scream louder than the things you do. The truth is found in the silence and the spaces between. A shrug, a sigh, a look thrown in disgust. A chance to say something positive - missed. It's heavy and oppressive, this silence. It's judgmental. It takes up more space than necessary Like the air before a storm; heavy, fearful, angry, expectant. Waiting to see what it gives birth to.
Be mindful of your words but be ever aware of your silence.


Alice said...

I always have a hard time saying something encouraging when given the chance. I need to remember to.

Bob G. said...

Those are very good words to not only remember, but to embrace.
The same can be said for INACTION.

Excellent post.
(short & to the it)

Stay safe down ther.e

Joanne said...

All my mom had to do was give me a certain look and I knew what my punishment was or what she was angry about. Great post and SOOOO true!
Blessings, Joanne