Monday, April 30, 2012


So gas prices are on the rise again. They're holding pretty steady around $4/gallon in these parts. $4/gallon--can you believe that? I remember when I was first driving, prices were way less than $1/gallon. I'm absolutely certain that I've paid around 35¢ per gallon for gas when I started driving. I can remember filling up in here in Podunk Indiana circa 2000 for $.999/gal. That wasn't that long ago--not long enough to justify a $3+ dollar increase. But I digress. So, as I was saying, gas prices are on the rise again--bitch, bitch, moan, moan, grumble, grumble. Who the hell wants to pay $4/gallon for gas?!? Then comes the announcement: gas prices expected to reach $5/gallon in the next few months, and, oh my god, we're so lucky to only be paying $4 now! See, it's all about the spin.

1 comment:

Bob G. said...

I haven't considered myself "lucky" to be paying anything OVER $1.50 a gallon for a LONG time...
(because that's what I believe it should be worth...)

The way the lame-stream media portrays all this is that WE should be thanking the ground that they walk upon for such "good" prices.
Where do they come off saying that?

And wouldn;t you kjnow...WHWENEVER we (all) cut BACK, they UP the price AGAIN...just like water, electricity (and even natural gas).

Imagine that...
getting PUNISHED for being frugal and efficient.
(Who'da thunk it?)

Very good post.

Have a good week.
Stay safe down there.