Tuesday, April 3, 2012

What is this world coming too?

Last week out in Colorado, organizers decided to cancel an Easter Egg hunt because the parents could not behave themselves. The area was roped off and only children were suppose to be in that area when it was time for the hunt. Nope. The parents got in there as well, “helping” their children get the goodies. The parents just can’t stand to let their children learn from hard knocks and perhaps the child would not get as many eggs but such is life. We don’t always get it all. E.V.E.R.

Then you have the parents who deposit their child at Daycare and go on about their life. Dropping them off as early as possible and not picking them up till the very last minute. Not caring what happens to their child and going on with their life and letting the kids basically raise themselves. Sometimes they are even responsible for younger siblings.

One one had you have parents who can’t let go, and on the other parents who don’t seem to care at all.

I have a word of advice for them. Let you child learn life’s lesson from you .. So the other kid got more eggs than your child..lesson .. life is not fair ..deal with it. If your child is not smart enough to figure out the concept of an egg hunt you have got a problem. Turn off the TV, unplug the video game console. Spend some time with the kid. Let them fight their own battles, get their own scars, learn life's lessons early.


Bob G. said...

I didn;t hear any of those things...deplorable beahvior by the ADULTS in the group...
You nailed it with the "hard knocks" thing...
That's what mnakes life...LIFE.
ANd teh MORE we learn by such means, the better we become (and not so much entitled).
Great call on this.

Stay safe down there.

CWMartin said...

Another blogger posted about that yesterday after your pics of Morgan. I was reading backwards, so I got the disillusionment first, then the joy of seeing it done right.