Tuesday, April 10, 2012


From a young age it was pounded into my head.. what will people think? what will people say? So for my whole life I have always worried about it. I worried about my weight, my clothes, and even what I said. I am a very non confrontational person, and will take any abuse heaped onto me. I have let people hurt me and done nothing but cry in private. Because I wanted them to like me I took it. But as I look back I realize people will still think and say what they want and there is no way I could ever control it. So I eliminated those judgmental people from my life. I have wasted too much of my energy and life worrying about something that could not be changed. It is hard to ignore the nasty comments and the hateful digs. Worrying about others just tales away precious moments of life. Instead of worrying about someone else's life People should use that energy to make their own life better. As I aged I have noticed a change in what is important in my life.

On a lighter note this is post number 1001.

1 comment:

Bob G. said...

First off, congrats on passing that 1000 milestone...may you post man, MANY more!

I've found that the best way to concern myself with others (as my parents used to tell me as well), is to DIFFUSE any rhetoric those other people would say...give them NO ammunition to use against me or my family, and in that way, I don't HAVE to worry about them.

Remember, none of us are ever born with the word WELCOME stenciled across our foreheads.
(it's also why we invented doormats)

Good post.

Stay safe down there.