Wednesday, April 4, 2012


1. What do you tend to focus on the most?
A. The past.
B. The present.
C. The future as you think it will be.
D. The future as you are afraid it will be.

The present. I feel that the present will take care of the future.

2. Name three famous people (living or dead) whose blogs you would like to be able to read.

Marilyn Monroe, Amelia Earhart, Margaret Mitchell

3. How long have you lived in your current residence? How much longer do you intend to live in the same place?

I have lived here for 32 years. I plan on being here until I die.

4. Who or what is the most annoying:

a) Politician – Biden

b) Late Night Talk Show Host – Letterman

c) Color - Chartreuse

d) Habit – smoking

e) Female Celebrity - Lady Gaga

f) Male Celebrity – Ashton Kutcher

g) Television Show – The View

h) Commercial -Joseph Shull attorney

i) Fashion Statement - saggy pants

j) Word - like


Anonymous said...

1)I try to focus on the present
2)Jackie Kennedy, Elizabeth Taylor,
3)About 10 yrs. and intend to live here the rest of my life.
4)a.)Gingrich..b.)Leno..c.)I love all colors..d.)Alchol...e.)Madonna
f.)Howard Stern...g.)All the CSI's
h.)Too many to pick just one
i.)saggy pants
j.)can't think of any

Bob G. said...

1) I would like to say A, but I like, C...but I think more about D...
(is there an "all of the above"?)

2) I like THIS blog, and I like to read my own (check for spelling), and I'd wager that George Patton would have had one HELLUVA blog.

3) Since 1999 - until they carry me out FEET first, or we hit some BIG money somewhere...either way works for

a) Obama
b) Fallon
c) agreed on chartreuse - bad color for a car.
d) smoking.
e) DEFINITELY Lady Gaga!!!
f) Ditto - we do think alioke
g) Most all reality shows...AND the view (except for ELizabeth Hasselbeck)
h) Most every fast food commercial
j) Gotta go with "like" too...followed closely by "yuhknow?"

Excellent list...loved it.

Stay safe down there.