Thursday, April 5, 2012

Spring Cleaning

Well it is that time of year again.. Spring cleaning time. I am not now nor have I ever been accused of being overly tidy and a clean freak. I do however enjoy going thru things putting thing a way in a tidy manner. I love to see a clean and tidy linen closet. Neatly stacked towels make me smile. I love clean windows and clean sheers and curtains make me happy.

Besides all the inside work is the problem of my outside yard work. The flower beds need tending to, the grass needs cut, dandelions need pulled up, ah there is no end to it.

However, since I have become disabled I must depend on others to help me accomplish these things. As I have said before asking for help is very hard for me, so now I have a dilemma, do I wait for someone to read my mind and offer or do I tuck my pride away and ask for help?


BTW Today would have been my dad’s 94th birthday.


Anonymous said...

or put it in your blog?

Bob G. said...

ROFLMAO...I hear 'ya, dear...!

(stocking up on paper towels so we can do the WINDOWS...arrrgghhh)

And yes, time to ash the sheers (with some bleach added)

Got a new stash of VACUUM bags, too.
(and a fresh can of furniture polish).

We just bought more furnace FILTERS (a must have with cats)
ALL this is the ONLY thing I dread about Spring...

Hey, if I lived on your street, you wouldn't HAVE to ask...but I'm "weird" that way.

You'll make out fine...I can feel it,
(or it's my arthritis acting up)

Stay safe down there.

Sandi said...

Oh sheesh! I had to chuckle! I am technically supposed to be spring cleaning, as I'm on my spring break, but I really haven't done much yet except wash the dog hair off the front drapes. (I had no idea she was shedding that bad! She lays against the wall and I guess the drapes are dog hair magnets!)

I decided to wash my mattress pad, so waiting for it to dry so I can make my bed. I did a little shredding.

I usually find lost items while I'm cleaning out too, I wonder which pile my mind is in??