Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I give up

So I wrote this whole long post , and explained some hopes I have and some goals I made for myself. But then it was too long and rambling, so I guess those goals weren't meant to be and I should just forget them. Just kidding. But they weren't really that exciting anyway.
So instead, I'll leave you to ponder this: Who would win in a fist fight between Aunt Jamima and Mrs. Butterworth?


Alice said...

Definitely Aunt Jamima.

Joanne said...

Aunt J for sure...I remember Mrs. B's voice on the old commercials and she sounded a bit wimpy. ;o)
Blessings, Joanne

Anonymous said...

I vote Mrs. Butterworth. She may not win a fight, but I love her best.

Bob G. said...

Have to give the initial edge to Auntie J, but those "wimpy" ones are not to be trifled with either...
Maybe Mrs B speaks softly, but carries a BIGGER BOTTLE?

I wouldn't want to make book on it these days.
(pass the log cabin, instead)

Nice post.
Stay safe down there.

CWMartin said...

Mrs. B. She's packing heat.