Thursday, April 23, 2009


I notice that some things trigger my flare ups more than others. Something as simple as perfume in a product that I use like laundry soap, deodorant, even in a magazine where they have those scratch and sniff samples. Some of my other triggers are as you might expect. Air pollution, pollen, mildews, molds, traffic exhaust or fumes, hot humid air, pet hair and dander, perfumes, cleaning products, dust, hair spray, men’s after shave or cologne, and of course, cigarette smoke, especially the lingering smoke on smokers clothes. These things cause an immediate tightening of my chest making it hard for me to breathe.

The one thing that bothers me is that since stores and malls are smoke free, why do the smokers take their “Butt Break” right at the door? As an ex smoker I totally get the need for a smoke, but would hope that I would be considerate enough to walk a few feet to smoke. I am in no way down on smokers. I loved to smoke, I quit about 7 years ago and do not miss the expense, (I was wondering the other day how much money I have saved by not smoking. 7 years is about 2555 days. Smoking 2 packs a day at just say $6 a day would be $15,330.) I was shocked at that number, and truthfully it would be much more. But the cost to my health was very high and the cost to the health of my children is still unknown.

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