Saturday, April 18, 2009


I have watched the youtube video of Susan Boyle. I saw the looks on the faces of the audience and the judges when she walked onto the stage. You could read their minds. Then she opened her mouth and that lovely voice sang that beautiful song. What joy she showed and how gracious she has been with all the hoopla surrounding her “discovery” We as people are quick to judge others. You need to be pretty, handsome, smart, young, thin, rich, etc. Actually look around you, most folks aren’t pretty, handsome, smart, young, rich etc. That does not mean they do not have worth and something to offer. Everyone has something to offer. They have experience. They have wisdom. They have vision. They have a love of life. They have patience. They have compassion, why do people want to limit their acceptance of others because of their own judgmental opinions? Their judgments reflect their own lack of self-esteem. I hope she can recognize it's their problem and not hers as she is a beautiful and talented person just like she is.

I am disappointed in people.

~ If you judge people, you have no time to love them. ~ Mother Teresa

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