Tuesday, April 21, 2009

What would you do?

Not to long ago I went to a local thrift store, which I won’t name (GW) it just so happened they were having a half price day. Well I love a bargain, and I waited for a front spot to park and went inside. Grabbed me a cart ( I need one to place my O2 tank in ) and off I went. I found a few things and got in line. OMG I waited and I waited, then I waited some more. I figured I should check my gauge to make sure I had enough o2 to make it thru the check out and out to my car. Well much to my dismay I was very low on oxygen. I did not want to lose my place in line, and I sure did not want to lose my bargains, so when an employee walked by I said “ I am getting very low on oxygen and I wondered if you could help me?” I intended to either ask to hold my place in line or even to run to my car and get me a cylinder.. or maybe she had some other suggestion.. Well she looked at me and said “ Well I can’t let you go to the front of the line.” She shot me a look and off she went. I felt like a second class person, I felt like I did not belong there, I felt as tho I had leprosy, I felt unwelcome in the store, I felt a lot of things including anger. To make a long story short I ran out of oxygen and when that happens I am in big trouble. My blood oxygen level drops to dangerously low levels and I gasp for breath. I got my damn bargains and paid for them and made it to my car and a new tank of oxygen. And I lived to tell this tale. But stop and think for a minute, this company exists to provide employment for people with disabilities and the very first Basic Principal in their missions statement is WE STRIVE TO TREAT EVERYONE IN A RESPECTFUL MANNER.

What would you do?

I came home, cried, cussed, and then I called the store, I asked for the manager. I calmly told her what had happened and I told her I did not want the lady fired or even in trouble. I just wanted them to know how I was treated so that maybe it would not happen to someone else. I felt better, as I had done something about it. That seemed important at the time. Now not so much. After all I have no idea what was going on in the employees life, she could have been carrying some heavy burdens and going thru some bad times herself. But I hope she can learn patience and compassion for others as some day she could be standing in my shoes.

I'm not writing this blog to seek someone's pity. I don't need pity, I only want to try to help others see what can happen to them.


Anonymous said...

I would have thrown a hillbilly white trash fit with my mom and together, we would have torn that lady apart, and as she stood there crying and asking "why?!" we would have just looked at her with evil eyes and yelled at her through clenched teeth, "YOU KNOW WHY!!!"

As fun as that sounds, it probably isn't the right thing to do. So Gram, I think you handled the situation very well.

Kellie - My Health Software said...

I just stumbled across your blog and am horrified at the treatment you had from that store. What was she thinking! How stressful for you watching your O2 gauge. I am surprised that other shoppers did not offer for you to go before them. Shame on them and the shop keepers. Thank you for sharing that story so others can stop and think about caring for others. All the best! Kellie