Monday, April 27, 2009


I just came across this great quote: “Worry is like a rocking chair: It gives you something to do but doesn’t get you anywhere.” Is that great or what? I have always been a worrier, I worry about what other people think, I worry about what I should have said, I worry about what I did say, what hasn’t happened and what will happen. Lately I have been worrying about little things, like what I should be doing, instead of waiting for some one to do it for me. I even stopped watching the national and local news because it caused me so much worry and I admit it anger. It was hard on me listening to all the gloom and doom, and all the angry voices with their dire predictions. Even more worry. I worry about the swine flu, I worry about my power going out and with it my ability to breathe, I worry about my son and his wife in Australia, I worry about my other 2 sons and their families, I worry about my grand kids and what kind of world they are inheriting. So when I stopped watching the news I began to feel much better, I am now trying to be more positive and worry less and start enjoying what is left of my life. In turn my ability to cope with my disease is better. Less worry lets me relax and that in turn makes my breathing easier. My life is not a problem to worry about but it is a gift I am learning to enjoy.

On a happy note my favorite granddaughter got engaged this weekend to a wonderful guy. It was very romantic. She is beautiful, she is smart and I will try not to worry.

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