Saturday, April 25, 2009

A Good Week

Living alone I have a lot of time to think, maybe too much. The words “handicapped” and “disabled” were never in my vocabulary. And I certainly never expected to use them to describe myself. I now have my very own handicapped hang tag for my car. I now fit the description perfectly I would have never thought in a million years that I would be disabled and needing help to continue to live alone. But I am, and I do. I have a very caring family who are available to help me at any time. They don’t baby me but they do lend a hand when I need one. I also have a lot of very thoughtful and kindhearted friends, who keep me company either on the phone or on the computer. They are so very important to me. (You know who you are.) Today I made it to the local Kroger store, the sun was out, perfect temperature and I felt good. My trip was a success and I made it all the way thru the store including the freezer section. Not a big deal for most of you but a real triumph for me. I would consider this day a success.
All in all it was a good breathing week for me.
My life is certainly influenced by my illness and every day I learn more ways to cope with it. But in no way does my illness define who I am.

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