Monday, April 13, 2009

It Is What It Is

Sometimes I find my self wondering "what if" What if I had made different choices in my life, What If I had went to college, What If goes on and on. I don't regret my past, not ever. I did what I did and I made to choices I made, and believe me I paid the price for some of them. I honestly would not change anything because I like where I have ended up. I am finally comfortable in my own skin. Yes I wish I did not start smoking but I did. So now I find my self saying "It is What it is" So for today I will be happy to be alive even though it may be harder to get things done the alternative sucks. After much soul searching I have decided to embrace this thing called COPD, and live the good life.I chose to live with it and accept it as a lifestyle and embrace it. It is something I want to do to improve my quality of life. This may seem small when you first think about it but let that soak in for a minute. If I simply decide to cope with it. I am letting it affect my attitude. I chose not to do that. I am learning to accept the bad days and appreciate the good days as my way of life. "It is what it is"

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