Saturday, May 30, 2009

Swine Flu

There is now an epigdemic of jokes out there about the Swine Flu, which is not a funny subject by itself. (I am ashamed)

I will give you my list of popular Swine Flu Movie remakes.

1. Swinedler’s List

2. Pig trouble in Little Mexico

3. Silence of the Hogs

4. In Ham’s Way

5. Babe: Death in the City

6. Swiney Hog, Demon Butcher of Fleet Street

7. Memoirs of a Butcher

8. Snout of Africa

And of course they all star Kevin Bacon.

Then there are the jokes

Swine Fever is a song by Piggy Lee

I had a bad day yesterday; I made a pig's ear of everything I tried

I think I have the swine flu. I have the sudden urge to eat bacon

I think I have swine flu: I've broken out in rashers

Will there be a mass outbreak of Human/Avian Swine flu? When pigs fly…

For a normal flu, we say "achoo", but for swine flu we say "achoink"

What is the difference between Bird Flu and Swine Flu?
For bird flu you need tweetment and for swine flu you need oinkment.

If you receive an email from the Department of Health telling you not to eat tinned pork because of swine flu - ignore it.
It's just spam.

Please no angry comments I know how terrible this flu can be. I just happen to have a sense of humor. I have more but this is a G Rated blog.

And there they are with no apology and with a straight face. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

These are so funny!!! I love your sense of humor!!!!



ms nk rey said...

And I love you!