Saturday, September 5, 2009

Good Guys drive Red Trucks

In the early days of television it was easy to tell the good guys from the bad guys--the good guys always rode white horses and wore white hats! And there was something else. The bad guys always lost. Always! That was the law. Evil never was shown to come out ahead. "Crime doesn't pay!" was the lesson America wanted ingrained into its upcoming generation. Real life isn't quite as clear-cut. In real life the good guys don't always win and ride off into the sunset singing a happy song. Some times the bad guys win. This is one of those times. The bad guys who wrote the "pc antispyware2010" virus that hit my computer won. Well, mostly they won. Actually, the main goal of the virus program is to extort money from the unwitting smuck who downloads it. At least I didn't send them any money to 'buy the program' to clean my computer. All it has cost me is a nervous breakdown, lost sleep, all my fingernails and a new tool with which to beat myself over the head with. After trying everything, Dan is going to reformat my computer. Doing this will remove all programs that I had paid for and downloaded. But I was the dumb one who clicked on the pop up.. Please be careful there are people who are out to take over your computer and ruin it. I am lucky enough to be able to borrow computers, which has allowed me to be online enough to check my mail and monitor my ebay sales, and post lame jokes on here. I hope you all have a safe and fun Labor Day weekend and may all of your double clicks be clean ones. OMG!OMG!OMG! Dan fixed it! He figured it out and fixed it! Good guys do win! If any of you need a good and I stress GOOD computer man contact me. Thanks Dan.

1 comment:

Bob G. said...

I;m glad you got the bugs worked out of the system...I NEVER click on ANY popups...even if they offer to hand me a MILLION BUCKS in 5 minutes (and that's damn tempting).

I basically block ALL popups, and I have a phishing fliter, malware detector, anti-spy ware, and virus threat detector. WONDER this "fast" system is slower...lookit ALL the damn ANTI-EVERYTHING CRAP I got running on board...ROFL!

Maybe we're not meant to "win"....or maybe we should "redefine" the TERMS OF VICTORY...!


Have a great weekend.