Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Learning Kid

I have always told my granddaughter she is the learning kid. Every parent has a learning kid and my oldest son was my unfortunate one, the one I learned on the one who had to survive all my mistakes that I made in my journey thru Motherhood. He was the first to meet each new challenge, he was the unfortunate one. *Sigh* by the time my baby made it to the same point I had it all figured out. Not so for the oldest He was my prototype. I was young and scared and had no idea what to do. He cried a lot and I did too. He cried all the time. He did not sleep. He would cry all night long. Then sleep all day. I was all stressed out thinking I was doing something wrong that I was not meeting his needs, but he was the only kid and all I did was tend to his needs. When he was older he started crawling and walking and the crying stopped. It was almost like he didn’t like being a baby. He challenged me, he tried my patience, he fought me and he got on my nerves. But he impressed me and amazed me and some how grew up to be a fantastic person, an adventurer and an upstanding citizen of the world.


Bob G. said...

Just goes to show you NEVER can tell, eh?

And considering that NO child EVER comes with an intruction manual, looks like "you done good".
As did he.

I like happy endings.

ms nk rey said...

Thanks Bobby G. some how all 3 of my sons turned out well despite me. I am proud of them.