Thursday, September 10, 2009

Lights Out!!!!

So about it’s about 9 pm and I was all snuggled in Sparky watching some TV and then it happened. All at once every light, Every TV...every appliance, video game, radio, microwave, clock, my oxygen concentrator, every single electrical anything went out in our whole town!!!! My cell cordless phone wouldn't even work That is such an eerie feeling having your whole town street lights, no store lights, just other peoples headlights in a town full of darkness. It’s always crazy how when things like this happen you can never find your flashlights...I had one that could be found so I used it to hunt down some candles and give me some sort of light. Still don’t know what happened. but did hear the electricity kick on about 11:30 and then go back off 2 minutes later. Then about 4:30 this morning it was back on again and so far it’s stayed on. What was weird was to sit and think about how much we depend on electricity in our life. How we feel lost if we can’t turn on the TV, or warm something in the microwave. How strange it is to try to go to the bathroom and get ready for bed with only candle light. And yet our ancestors did it that way every day and night. It was strange how suddenly being in the dark made you feel a little scared, because you didn’t know what was happening because in this day and age you cant help but to ask yourself. Have we been attacked by terrorists???? Are we being invaded???? Has someone come and taken all our power away??? Is some one going to come jumping out of the dark???? But I’m glad to say I made it thru....and today is just another day...I was able to turn on the TV this morning, make some toast, and start my laundry. No one was attacking us, and no one came and took all our electricity away. It was just one of those crazy things that happened and thru it all you couldn’t help but to think back to how life use to be and also have those little thoughts run thru your head asking yourself....WHAT IF?????


Anonymous said...

Such an event helps you understand why one of the most important members of Native American Tribes was the person assigned to 'carry the fire', literally, from one campsite to the next. Starting a fire from scratch was a major undertaking. Try it sometime! No matches or butane lighters please!

AWB said...

Even the cell phone? That's interesting.

Bob G. said...

You ain't kidding there...!
(the old "hand-drill"/"bow" is an RPIA)
That's why I carry a magnesium starter...just in case the Zippo runs dry)
Yes, there is ONE redeeming factor to smoking...ONLY one.
You can also use potassium permanganate & glycerin...but DO keep them separate until needed!!!

It was probably a sub-station transformer meeting it's maker, causing the outage.

We here at "The Last Outpost" ALWAYS have an ample supply of candles (sales R us), as well as about 8 flashlights (1 hand-crank model) and a 1 mil candlepower spotlight.
And LOTS of batteries...!

In my "go" bag (and every household should have one), I also have radios, lights, and assorted "must haves" if we wind up with a "stone knives and bearskins" night...LOL.
(and the guns area always "handy", too.)

"...boom, boom...out go the lights..."
(good song)


ms nk rey said...

Ooops I meant cordless Phone..