Monday, September 7, 2009

Monday List

1. This question always runs through my head and I'd love to ask this to someone who knows, "What does "dead" feel like? Does it hurt? Do you feel a sense of relief or utter fear of what comes next? Is it like being on a roller coaster and you’re going up a steep slope and not knowing when you'll be rushing down again?

2. I am never bored. I think bored people are boring.

3. I was a good girl when I was growing up. I never broke rules or curfews. I feared the wrath of mom.

4. Sometimes when I'm in a stressful situation, like a funeral, I get the giggles over something funny that crosses my mind.

5. I've been mispronouncing the word "salmonella" all these years. (It isn't samo but salmo).

6. The grass isn't always greener on the other side. Living in the moment creates more of a sense of contentment than looking far ahead.

7. Aging isn’t scary to me. But growing old is.

8. I don't recycle the few bottles and cans I manage to bring in to my house. In a word-----disposable diapers.

9. I don’t think I am an easy person to live with.

10. The world is full of people who live their whole lives and not actually live one day. I don’t want to be one of them.

1 comment:

Bob G. said...


--I've been "dead tired" more than a few times...not all it's cracked up to be.
So I'd have to say dead might be overrated...but I'd also like to know..just in case...

--Whenever I start to feel bored, I get crackin' doing excuse to BE "bored" (imho).

--And God help you if MOM decided to "tell your father"...HOO-BOY!

--It's your way of dealing with the angst associated with it. We all have our methods.

--Thank God SALMON can't catch it...or CAN they???

--Yeah, it's easier to be content...but much more difficult to transcend contentment for happiness in the long term. THAT is the challenge we strive for...or should.

--Agreed...for all the right reasons...and the wrinkles..and the age spots..LOL.

--I just think back to that old commercial with the Indian chief who comes across a highway in America, and someone tosses some trash that lands at his feet...and a tear runs down his cheek...'nuff said.

--Me neither...then again, easy = complacency, and we'd best not rest on our laurels too much. Better to be a "difficult" person with purpose that people can understand, than to be someone who is ambiguous and way too "easy-going".

--If you ever want to SEE some of those people...come to MY street, and watch my "neighbors".

A very good list.

Have a great holiday.