Thursday, March 11, 2010

Character Traits

I learn best through making my own mistakes and I like to make them in private.

I don’t like being judged, and I hate being judged wrongly.

I don’t like public scenes and I don’t like to draw attention to myself unless I really have to.

I value my privacy.

I don’t seek fame in any way and try to avoid anyone who does.

I don’t like conflict, it makes me anxious and nervous and I avoid it at almost any cost.

I don’t give up on something if I think it is worthwhile.

My home is my sanctuary. If you call to sell me something I’ll decline politely and if you keep it up I will hang up.

I display good manners. I am courteous and polite.

I detest bad manners.

I like to help people and I like to please people.

I don’t gamble, drink, do drugs or smoke.

I’m very self critical.

I’m sometimes wracked with guilt.

1 comment:

Bob G. said...

That's a great way to "thumnail" ourselves...

And we don't like to make the SAME mistake over and over, right?

At this point in life, I think I'll be more INFAMOUS that famous...(but in a GOOD way)!

Ditto with judgment.

Ditto on attention and especially PRIVACY.
(in my area it's hard to obtain either one on a consistant basis)

I'll avoid conflict UNTIL there is NO other way out. Then, the gates of Hades will open.

NEVER give up..right you are.

My home is my castle, and I practice "castle doctrine". Wish the city would let me dig a damn MOAT, though.

Yep, yep, and yep...

I don't gamble, unless you call living HERE "rolling the dice" every morning.
I have dust on my liquor bottles (social drinker), and I smoke (less than 1/2 pack a day)

I'm my OWN worst critic.

If we're human, we ALL suffer from guilt from time to time, but placing it in the proper perspective and learning FROM it and not allowing it to run our lives, can accomplish so very much IN our lives.

But hey, that's just what 57 years on this rock taught me (thanks, Mom & guys were right).
