Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Potting Mix

I was at a Walgreen's last Thursday. I was waiting in line to pay for stuff I can't even remember now but was vitally important at the time. This dude comes in, eyes the long line, and then walks directly up to the cashier.
Side Bar: like most urban Walgreen's cashiers, she looked less than pleased to be there. In fact, she looked like she was hungover or possibly still drunk--sort of like a meaner version of Droopy. So awesome.
Anyway, so our friend random dude tries to butter up the cashier by using her name and asking her where is the (here's what I hear) "potting mix". Mean Droopy asks if he means for alcohol mixers. He's frustrated and says that he's from the South and he drove all the way to this Walgreen's to find "potting mix". A lady in line then suggests that maybe he's looking for a mix of different kinds of candy. At this point, I'm sorely confused because I think he's asking for potting soil. So, I ask "Do you mean dirt?" To this, he shoots me a nasty side glance and complains that we are all comedians or something.
Then he more helpfully explains he's looking for pretzels, Chex mix, etc. Ahhhh, you're looking for "party mix" not "potting mix". Oops, sorry for making fun of the awesome Southern accent. I was wondering why he thought Walgreen's sold dirt.

1 comment:

Bob G. said...

Ah, diversity...don'cha LOVE it?

The Walgreens up here are pretty much the same - disgusted young girls that obviously detest being there and customers with more rudeness than intellect.
Fortunately, whenever one of them shows up at the checkout...I saunter over to the COSMETIC counter and check out THERE (problem solved).

REAL MEN don't care WHERE they check out...LOL.
