Saturday, March 13, 2010

Nose Tickles and other Embarrassments

For the past few days I have had this annoying tickle on the edge of my left nostril (that would be my left external nare.) It is driving me nuts, I forget about it and then it will be there and I will think to myself 'Is it a flakey boogar? Is it a nose hair grown wild?' It always happens when I am talking to someone I don't know well enough to ask if I have a boogar or an extra long nose hair, or some place I can't pull out my mirror and have a good look. I just have to sniff sniff sniff and hope that no one else notices it. On a side note, do you ever get those crazy long white hairs that sometimes grow out of your chin. One day I will be unable to brush a hair off my face and then I will realize that it is attached. "How long has it been there?" I always wonder if they some how magically grow over night or if all my friends have been watching it grow over the weeks, wondering when I will finally pluck it. And finally, I spit a lot when I talk to people I'm uncomfortable with. Especially ones who want to invade my personal bubble. I'm like, "Back Up, man. I need space for my spit to fly!"


Bob G. said...


ROFLMAO...yeah, my wife gets those "church-lady" hairs (as we used to call 'em)...

I refer to them as CURB FEELERS...!
She trims 'em, and I keep telling her to PLUCK them instead.

As for me?
I'm plucking curb feelers off my ears now, as well as my WHITE eyebrow hairs (they stand out too damn much)...
Hey, maybe it's neither hair nor there...

But if I don't NEED them...why do I HAVE them?
(and why hasn't the government found some dumbass way to tax us on them?)

Sorry - didn't want to give the FEDS any ideas...

Have a great weekend.


ms nk rey said...

Curb feelers.. LOL.. crack me up.. Thanks for coming by Bobby G.