Friday, March 26, 2010

Friday Ramblings

1. I like to eat raw oysters.

2. For the life of me I can’t fold fitted sheets.

3. I totally love this time of year.

4. Storms scare me to death.

5. I was in a tornado years ago, people in the building were killed, it was like we were bombed.

6. I love the taste of my morning coffee. There is nothing better.

7. People that mumble annoy me.

8. People who love to point out how wrong everyone else is while they are a walking train wreck also annoy me.

9 People who don’t stay home when they are sick, but soldier on to work and infect every one around them really annoy me.

10 Aging isn’t scary to me. But growing old is.

1 comment:

Bob G. said...

Lemme see how I fare with this list as I get my weekend off and running (slowly, that is)...

1) sorry, gimme oyster stew.

2) It's a government

3)I do too...just not with the 2-legged vermin that also inhabit my area.

4) Doesn't bother me - I fall asleep to thunderboomers.

5) Now THAT bothers me too.

6) Yasureyoubetcha!

7) That's why I don't talk to any of my "neighbors". I hate ebonics and "mumble-ese"

8) Agreed.

9) I don't mind if they soldier on, but cough and sneeze in ANOTHER direction, you putzes!

10) Oh, yeah....I can SO relate (and so can my knees)

Thanks for waking me up...!

Have a great weekend.