Tuesday, April 12, 2011

All in how you look at things.

Are you wondering why every one in the whole world is obsessing over the upcoming Royal Wedding? I find it strange that I even care about the Royals, I mean I don’t understand the whole monarchy thing. I have no idea why they are so popular or so important. When I first heard Prince William was engaged I thought big whoop. We all figured he would get married sometime. Although I was surprised to hear that he gave Kate his mother’s wedding ring. That gorgeous Blue Sapphire and Diamond ring worn by Princess Diana. I think that ring would signify a sad time in her life, when she was unhappily married. But to Prince William his mother’s ring must signify a source of joy and a way to remember his mother and to honor her. I find that very sweet and yet a bit strange. It is all in how you view things I guess.

1 comment:

Bob G. said...

That's a good way of looking at it...but I have to admit that the whole royal wedding thing (to me) wears thin, considering all the OTHER and mopre pressing) problems that that have befallen England of late.

Good post.

STay safe down there.