Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Gary Busey on Apprentice:

Watching this seasons Celebrity Apprentice reminds me of elementary school kids picking on the slow kid. Gary Busey is for all intents a mentally challenged kid. It’s sad to see how he’s being handled. They talk around him almost like he isn’t there. He should have gone home for his own sake. There is something unseemly about this whole thing. Gary suffered a traumatic brain injury years ago–ALL of the personality traits others are focusing on are directly related to that. He literally cannot help it. I wish his teammates would show some compassion. I wish the producers/Trump would stop playing this for laughs. Shameful. He seems a very sweet man with no impulse control or insight. Busey is brain damaged and it affects his behavior. Some behavioral retraining could help that but the fact is he is not “eccentric” or “a genius” or any of those other patronizing things they say – he has brain damage. And to put him and his behavior on display for amusement/entertainment is just creepy. It is like putting the kid who has a stutter or who is mentally challenged or anything else on display because of their disability. Just awful. Gary Busey may be an oddball but he has a good heart while the others are nasty and unnecessarily cruel to him. It a DISABILITY FOLKS and no one should be made fun of because of a DISABILITY.


Anonymous said...

I believe they all know this, but he was a challenge for all of them. Most of them tried to get along with him, I believe, but he just made them so frustrated. Meatloaf got really mad at him, but he also apologized to him. I believe its all Trump's fault. He should not have had him on there to begin with.

Bob G. said...

I think that ANYONE who plays anyone ELSE for laughs when there is plainly NO intent but for exacerbating a pre-existing condition of that "anyone", well that's plain out wrong.
This is reality show "bad taste" at it's worst.
But that's just my 2 cents.

Stay safe down there.

Joanne said...

I am in TOTAl agreement with you. I stopped watching the show. Blessings, Joanne