Friday, April 15, 2011

Your having a Senior moment if:

1. The light in your ceiling fan doesn't work even after replacing the remote control battery. Duh, maybe it's the light bulbs

2. You drive back and forth to town twice wondering why a "chime" is going off, before you realize it's your low fuel warning....

3. You try to lock your car doors by pointing your cell phone at it...

4. You begin having trouble coming up with new passwords THAT YOU WILL REMEMBER.....

5. Even the coaches of college basketball teams are looking younger than you!!!!


Bob G. said...

Thankfully, I can't claim ANY of those as mine...LOL

Have yourself a great weekend.
Stay safe down there.

CWMartin said...

Try this one- spent five minutes trying to figure out what's chiming only to find out your car thinks that the case of pop in the passenger seat should be wearing a seat belt!

Joanne said...

I am almost there! Blessings, Joanne

Bob G. said...

LMAO...Wonder how the IN seatbelt laws cover THAT one?
Never had that problem, but does Scrappy get strapped in?
