Saturday, April 2, 2011

Pet Peeve Rant

  1. Grocery carts with one bad wheel or any other non-working parts
  2. Explanations beginning with the word 'Again'
  3. Bathroom stalls with a mirror positioned so one can see their whole self while seated
  4. Installing a toilet paper roll so that the tissue unwraps from the under side of the roll
  5. TV shows or ads with doorbells, ringing phones, or alarm clocks.
  6. Taking forever to leave a parking space while others are clearly waiting for it
  7. The common on hold phone assurance "Your call will be answered in the order received"
  8. Receiving fundraising calls on behalf of police, firefighters or other public servants
  9. I don't care what you think, the use of a cell phone augments the stupidity of the driver. The driver may be a normal, good driver, but once that cell phone goes up to the ear, he/she turns into an idiot, becoming totally unaware of their surroundings and their responsibility to the safety of others around them. Put it down, pull it over, hand it off to a passenger, or pay more attention to the road than your conversation.
  10. When you approach a stop sign or a stop light, do you see that wide, white line painted on the pavement? That's called a Stop Line. You're supposed to stop before any part of your car crosses the line. It's not a suggestion! STOP before you cross the line! Most of the time, it's before a marked crosswalk. If you're in the crosswalk, you're an idiot! Pay attention! Also, if you're on a multi-lane road, sometimes the Stop Line is painted in different places for each lane. Pay Attention!!! It's usually painted like that because either the intersecting street is at an angle, or turning traffic could hit the traffic on your road if the Stop Line wasn't painted further away from the intersection. It's that core driving pet peeve - PAY ATTENTION!!! Oh, and if you're one of those drivers that stops three car lengths before the Stop Line, could you at least crawl your lazy ass up to the line?
Ahhhh I feel better now .. it is always good to vent!


Alice said...


We used to give to the police that would call "annually" turned out that their annual fund-raising happens several times a year.

I once had one call me back because our donation hadn't reached them fast enough.

Joanne said...

I have had a fundraiser person ask for funds for vets. I said I could give but not until friday. they came that tues and got mad that I couldn't give! Turns out it was a scam. Vent away this is the perfect place for it and you have a lot of kindred spirits that feel the same way. Blewssings, Joanne

Bob G. said...

I don't EVEN own a cell phone, so no worries here.

Wonder HOW mamy people were killed when the CB radio fad was in vogue?
(bet a LOT fewer)

1- we had one JUST last week...LOL
(was that YOU behind us watching Wifey cuss?)
4- The Missus does THAT...I prefer the "normal" way (over)...LOL
5- God, that cheeses me off!
6- damn slowpokes!
7- I must always be #734,556 on the list.
8- I always send via Internet or by mail and NEVER give a phone #.

ANd I ALSO hate blog formats that "change themselves"
(but you KNEW that)

Have a great weekend.
Stay safe down there.

CWMartin said...

Throw in on #5 commercials that think listening to a invisible person typing a keyboard is cool.