Thursday, April 28, 2011

Do you ever...?

Do you ever sit on your couch and do nothing instead of doing the 534 things you need to get done?
Do you ever resolve to eat better ever night, and every morning eat something chocolate by 10 am?
Do you ever swear you are NOT going to be the person that is always late?
Do you ever envy other people's nice cars while you have beaters?
Do you ever eat popcorn for dinner?
Do you ever waste time blogging, and start to think you might have an addiction?
Do you ever want a big house, a big yard, and a big salary?
I do.


Alice said...

I am guilty of #6 :)

Bob G. said...

- Once in a great while
- You don't want to know what I eat for breakfast most mornings.
- I'm the SOB who'd always EARLY!
- Nope, not even those that get their vehicles from DRUG MONEY or other crimes.
- Not really, but I do like PANCAKES.
- My blogging is NEVER a waste of time.
- Two outta three ain't bad (just like the song)

Thanks for the smile today.

Stay safe up there.